It really is the most wonderful time of the year… hot coco, twinkle lights, and fun family traditions. However, as adults, the holidays can often come with a lot of stress. Finances when purchasing gifts, family members who are difficult to be around, and the endless amount of pressure to make everything just right – the meal, the wrapping, and the activities.
So, here are a few things that might help!
1. Reflect on last year & set realistic expectations this year
Take a few minute to brainstorm. Ask yourself: What worked well last year? What activity was easy that everyone enjoyed? What was not worth our time, money and energy last year?
Now, that you have an idea of what to keep and what to eliminate this year, write it down.
2. Assign tasks to others when planning your holiday activities
Now for the hard part… asking for help. Think of one or two people who would be happy to help you with each task.
For example, cousin Abby’s favorite subject in school is art. Let her get the supplies and oversee the annual holiday cookie decorating activity. Your husband has this Friday off, ask him to pick up a holiday gift for the kids teachers.
3. Shop at your favorite wholesaler… for gifts!
Costco may only come to mind when buying in bulk. But they have great Holiday packs of individually wrapped gifts, treats, toys and books that anyone would love!
4. It’s not about you… it’s about them
When those unwelcomed comments come your way from those family members who just can’t seem to follow the golden rule… just remember, it’s more about them than it is about you. Take a deep breath, and choose to either quickly change the subject or simply walk away.
5. Enjoy the holiday season, stress-free!
Or at least… a little less stressed. Practice makes perfect. None of us get trying something new right the first time! But we are here to empower you and encourage you to make this holiday season the least stressed year yet!
Good luck and let us know how it goes! Also, if you have any other stress-free tips and tricks that you’ve implemented for this time of year, please share in the comments below!
Happy Holiday season, friends.